especially my 1st year friends in PPSM UKM.
I just finished my coding for calculating our CGPA..
It is a success except it looks quite long
I have used function to simplify it but it just shorten about 25%
Perhaps i should used arrays in it
Whatever it is, follow the instruction in the program carefully..
This code is for Dev C++,
if you use other program you can remove the 'system("PAUSE");'
Enjoy, and plan your final pointer from now :)
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void grading(string&, double&);
int main()
int i, credit, extra;
double score, calculus, computer, economics, fizis, english, PD, subject, total, overall;
string grade, add;
credit = 18;
cout <<"Please enter your respective grades for each subjects."<<endl;
cout <<"A (85-100%)"<<endl;
cout <<"A- (75-84%)"<<endl;
cout <<"B+ (65-74%)"<<endl;
cout <<"B (60-64%)"<<endl;
cout <<"B- (55-59%)"<<endl;
cout <<"C+ (50-54%)"<<endl;
cout <<"C (45-49%)"<<endl;
cout <<"C- (40-44%)"<<endl;
cout <<"D+ (35-39%)"<<endl;
cout <<"D (30-34%)"<<endl;
cout <<"E (0-29%)"<<endl;
cout <<"Type 'N' if you're not taking the subject"<<endl<<endl;
cout <<"Calculus : ";
cin >> grade;
if (grade == "N")
score = 0;
credit = credit-4;
calculus = score * 4;
cout <<"\nComputer Programming : ";
cin >> grade;
if (grade == "N")
score = 0;
credit = credit-4;
computer = score * 4;
cout <<"\nEconomics : ";
cin >> grade;
if (grade == "N")
score = 0;
credit = credit-3;
economics = score *3;
cout <<"\nSains Fizis : ";
cin >> grade;
if (grade == "N")
score = 0;
credit = credit-3;
fizis = score * 3;
cout <<"\nFoundation English or Academic Communication : ";
cin >> grade;
if (grade == "N")
score = 0;
credit = credit-2;
english = score * 2;
cout <<"\nPembangunan Diri : ";
cin >> grade;
if (grade == "N")
score = 0;
credit = credit-2;
PD = score * 2;
total = calculus + computer + economics + fizis + english + PD;
for( ; ; )
cout <<"\nDo you take another additional course:(Y/N) ";
cin >> add;
if(add == "N")
cout <<"\nHow much is the course credit hour: ";
cin >> extra;
credit = credit + extra;
cout << "\nGrade for the subject: ";
cin >> grade;
subject = score * extra;
total = total + subject;
overall = total/credit;
cout <<"\n============================================";
cout <<"\nYour total credits are "<<credit;
cout <<"\nYour Overall Pointers for Semester 1 is "<<overall<<endl<<endl;
system ("PAUSE");
return 0;
void grading(string& grade, double& score)
if (grade == "A")
score = 4;
if (grade == "A-")
score = 3.67;
if (grade == "B+")
score = 3.33;
if (grade == "B")
score = 3;
if (grade == "B-")
score = 2.67;
if (grade == "C+")
score = 2.33;
if (grade == "C")
score = 2.00;
if (grade == "C-")
score = 1.67;
if (grade == "D+")
score = 1.33;
if (grade == "D")
score = 1.00;
if (grade == "E")
score = 0;