Semester 1 UKM Results can be checked starting Friday, 15 February 2013..
However, guess what.. I just check it yesterday.. a week after the actual date..
Due to some university fees problems by my scholarship sponsor
but Alhamdulillah, everything is almost settled..
I would like to share my results, not to boast around..
my results were not that too good nor too bad..
I just share so you can know how much I score rather than asking me yourself in class..
So, this is how much I score..
With a PNG of 3.44, from 18 credit hours..
Computer Programming: A
Pembangunan Diri I: A
Calculus I: B+
Economy I: B+
Academic Communication I: B+
Sains Fizis I: B-
Disappointed with the 3 lowest subjects I listed, because I believe I could do it better..
Really regret I don't put enough effort in Fizis, although in Asasi before, I could get A in both..
Maybe, if my fate is taking Actuary, I'm not needed to take Fizis, I will score PNG 3.60
But who is me, to decide my fate, only Allah knows what he decides for the future of me..
From my previous target I aimed before the exam..
which is 3.7 or at least more than 3.5
I just failed myself, by not achieving any of my personal target.. even the least target :(
and when I fail, what will happen is, I will strive harder to reach my aim in other semesters..
starting with this semester..
My Aim for semester 2: PNG 3.75..
I will try my best, InshaAllah.. Pray for me :)
Semester II subjects with total of 23 credits:
Calculus II
Statistics I
Aljabar Linear
Economy II
Alam dan Manusia
Pembangunan Diri II
Tasawwur Islam (KIV)