Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Its quite a long time since I last update my blog..
Well..who cares.. I'd been busy doing many things these days..
So, I rather use my free time to rest rather than updating my blog..hehe
How's everything lately.. Its been good
Its not perfect, but so far it have been fine..
Sometimes, when you have less responsibility..
you can tend to be more focus in your studies..
Less commitment means less trouble you get..
so, its a higher probability to succeed what you're focus to, precisely studies..

People always said "Maths is difficult" & "Maths is only for maniacs and geniuses"
Well, that's not completely true.. I mean I didn't say that maths is easy or what..
but in everything, if we put our full effort in doing it, we could succeed for sure..
That's what I'm trying to do right now..

I think I'd managed to master the 1st four weeks of study in this semester..
However, there is some confusion that wonders me for some time in the following weeks..
So, I hope I could managed to catch up with the pace of study during these semester break..
"It is not about being the best, it is about what you can contribute to others.."
I really hope I can managed to be the likes of Zap, Hazman, Noorel and Haziq..
I believe I'd been one in the beginning of the 1st semester..
but towards the end till now, I'd been just an average learner..
Perhaps, its time for me to start aiming for that, not for popularity..
but aiming to help the others.. basically friends in need..

For some reason, I would like to show my highly respect to a friend..
He admits to me that he is a slow learner.. and he really needs a lot of helps for his studies..
But he rarely give up and he keep trying to learn it..
starting from learning from the lecturers.. then from his friends and me..
And for some reason, he was once admit to me that he is easier to understand when he learned from me..
He gives me an inspiration for me to be a better learner..
as I know, he might needed me to help one day..
and how could i help him, if i don't understand our studies that well..

So, here I am, once again trying to awaken up myself..
May I could achieve my goals and targets for this semester..
and trying to imrpove my CGPA..inshaallah :)

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